Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Atlantic Ave apocrypha

Cool photo I saw recently of 1960s Atlantic Avenue. There were no recognizable landmarks to me, so I worked off the Roses department store sign (left 1/3rd of the pic)..

Apparently Roses was near the intersection of 19th & Atlantic. Some online research turned up this brief report from the 1963 Federal Register:
Rose's Stores Inc No 107 1904 Atlantic Avenue Virginia Beach Va effective 10-2 to 9-2 1964.. store 13 employees..

Another long gone spot on Atlantic, the old Seaside Amusement Park, formerly near Laskin & Atlantic. I think it survived in to the early/mid 8os (somebody email me if they remember exactly when it folded up). I remember the empty/vacated lot there for a while. And around 1992 it was being used as a temporary (indoor) ice skating rink if I remember right..
