Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Beach's bygone zine culture..

Samples of old Virginia Beach skate zines,

Page from Speed Wobble zine, explaining what skaters from WW (Windsor Woods neighborhood) were about. You used to see that referenced logo (with the Ws & fork in between) around Trashmore, etc.

From Soul Skate zine, really great photo.. and the old '8os 17th logo (that has been resurrected.)

Unrelated to the skate culture, this was my favorite Beach zine, circulating in the mid 9os. And this ad was (presciently) published years before Cosby's scandals. John A. & Loose Screws had a good staff of contributors..

If anyone has some vintage zine pages, send 'em to me. I appreciate them- nat.rain@gmail.com