Monday, January 31, 2022

Godspeed Pembroke Mall

For people who didn't hear (or basically don't care), and the Hampton Roads diaspora who haven't thought about Pembroke Mall for a long time.. It is being transformed in to assisted living & hotel space. The reporting is that the anchor stores that surround the mall will remain (Target, Kohl's etc), while the smaller stores that made up the guts of Pembroke will be gone & replaced with housing. 

It's a strange transformation.. but regrettably makes sense in an era where large retail space is becoming obsolete..

The abandoned Sears in it's last days..

Bit of England in it's last hours..

All the good memories of Space Port, Mother's Records, Pizza Delight, Orange Julius, Fine's, the old Waldenbooks (vital before Barnes & Noble & Borders). Laughing at(or with) Pembroke's experiment in mall carpeting. This place meant a lot.
